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Sunday, February 28, 2010


Like everything in my life this past week, I've been MIA with this blog. 
This past week has been complete crap.  Last Saturday, I got pink eye!  Don't ask how in the world I got it because I have not idea!  I have never gotten pink eye before so I had no clue that I had it until I mentioned to Randy.
"My left eye was really itchy all day, and these sleepies won't go away"
"Sounds like pink eye", says Randy
"Really?  CRAP! That's the last thing I need."
So I spent part of my evening in the emergency room getting medication.  
Last week was suppose to be kinda of a relaxing week because I had a bit of a break from exams.  I was in no way relaxing. Sunday, I wanted to rip my left eye out because it hurt so bad!  On Monday, I woke up with a crested right eye so I went to the student health center to find out that the infection moved over to my right eye. On top of that, I got a cold.  The whole week I felt like crap and didn't sleep very well.  I wanted to get better fast.  I stayed up with the medication, drank orange juice with every meal, got as much sleep as possible, and trying not to stress out too much (that's very hard for me!). Yet, I was still an emotional wreck because I was stressing out that I couldn't get my work done.  I lacked any motivation from being sick.  Randy was working 12's all week and therefore, I barely got to talk to him.  We talked a little before he went to work and he would wake up me at 0001 when he got off.  As soon as I answered, I went right back to sleep. Thankfully, he really didn't have much work to do so we emailed back and forth a good portion of the time.  Fortunately, by Friday, the pink eye and cold were gone!
I feel so much better now!  I've been physically, emotionally, and spiritually renewed! Yesterday, I worked out, the first in a week.  I was spiritually renewed at church.  I skipped last week because I didn't want to spread the infection to others.  I didn't realize much I need church every week.  It gives me a boost to face the week ahead!
My nephew and godson was born on Friday 26 Feb!  I'm so excited to be an aunt and godmother to Owen Nicholas!! I haven't met him personally yet, but I've seen plenty of pictures. I won't be able to meet him until June.  He is so precious!  He will be our ring bear at the wedding.  He will be so cute in a tiny tuxedo!

This last week has been crazy, but only another long week of school until spring break and my bridal shower!
Bring it on Ethics and Synaptic Transmission exam!  You are no match for me!  It's a great start to the week and I hope it ends on the same note.

PS. Still no word on what our next base will be...it will probably be several more weeks.