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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yay for class!

I might be the only person (other than my roommate) glad to have classes tomorrow!
Over the last five days, Pittsburgh has gotten the most snowfall in 20 years.  The city has turned into a winter wonderland.  During Friday and Saturday, the city got 18 inches of snow.  On Saturday, the snow completely shut down the city.  The buses did not run, and cars were buried along the roads.  Then Tuesday through today, another storm hit adding more snow (I think another foot) to the chaos.  The roads are horrible.  There are barely any plow trucks clearing the roads.  Classes have been canceled Monday, Tuesday, and today.  At first, I was happy.  I got some extra quality time to study for my upcoming calculus and organic chemistry exams.  However, a weekend of shutting people out and studying all day turned into 5 days.  I need some kind of interaction!  I'm so glad to have classes again.  These last few days were like finals week...get up, go to the library, study until my brain hurts, go back to my room, and veg out.  Yet, today, I had a horrible time trying to concentrating on my studies.  I just needed a break, yet I feel lazy when I do so.  I feel like I need to have my nose my organic chemistry book the whole day.  Not humanly possible.  That's what I get for having high expectations for myself.
Even though sleeping in was nice, I'm glad to get back into a routine.

Thoughts on Family

My nephew was born yesterday.  I almost had two nephews born yesterday.  My step-sister gave birth to Jack Michael via c-section.  Randy's brother's girlfriend, Sam, had a close call.  She was 2 cm dilated so it might be soon or awhile until the Owen is born.
I have never held a newborn baby before yesterday.  Holding Jack was the most amazing thing.
All the talk about babies and holding Jack made me think about what my family would be like. Now I can't wait to have kids.
How many children will we have?  How many boys and girls? 
I know I want to adopt children and have some of my own.
Randy and I have talked about if he wants to get out of the service when we have kids or not.  At first, he wanted to get out when we had kids so we could settle down.  Now, with the economy, I think that has changed.  Also, I don't know what I want to do with my life.  I don't know what I want to do as a career.  Therefore, we would not be financially stable.  I feel it would be a great opportunity for our kids to move around and to live in different states and countries.   Moving around would help them adjust better to change, help them learn how to make friends quickly, and open their minds to new ideas and different ways of life.
We will see if we enjoy the military life.  Randy loves it so far, and I am really excited and open minded about the whole experience.  If we enjoy it, I guess we will stay and raise our kids in that lifestyle.  If not, our kids will grow up like normal kids.
We shall see where the Lord takes us. 

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lesson # 8 Admit when you are wrong

Normally, I am right 99% of the time.  So when I am wrong, I fight it. 
I was wrong in my last post when I wrote that Randy does not help with the wedding.  He does.  After the post, he has stepped up more to help with making calls and such.  (So maybe it was not a bad thing that I posted it)  I was just frustrated that nothing seemed to be getting done.  Randy, I'm sorry.  You are the best guy a girl could ever ask for.  I cannot wait to say "I do" in 4 months.