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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Now An Official Air Force Wife Part 2

The Wedding Day
Friday 4 June 2010
The morning started well. I woke up early enough to get ready for the ceremony rehearsal that was at ten am.
The rehearsal went surprisingly well. What I was most nervous about was my parents. They have been divorced for about 15 years, I want to say. They haven't spoken to each other in years. I had no idea how they would conduct themselves. They did well, and I was happy. The rehearsal went smooth and fast.
The Riverside Inn was more beautiful then I remember. Of course, the last time I saw the Inn it was in the middle of winter. I have gone to the Riverside Inn when I was twelve. The hotel took you back in time. It was Victorian style with antique furniture in the lobby and in the rooms. The gardens were breathtaking. I don't even have the words to describe it. I felt like I was in Pride and Prejudice! One thing I remember about my visit when I was twelve was the tree swing next to the creek. The swing was still there. :-) I was hoping to get some pictures on it after the wedding, but it rained. :-(
After the rehearsal, my mom, my bridesmaids, and I went to get our hair and make-up done. When I was in high school, I didn't go tanning or go all out for prom or the other dances. Sometimes my mom would do my hair. I never liked any of the updos I got from the salons. For the wedding, I looked at a lot of pictures before I found the one that was perfect for me. This time, I promised myself, it was going to be different and I will feel like the prettiest bride possible. I had gone tanning a month before the wedding, and I looked at a lot of pictures before I found the one that was perfect for me. I was determined to look my best on my wedding day. And...I DID! The hair was perfect and the make-up was natural looking and not too heavy. My hair was in a sideways ponytail with lots of curls, and I had a silver flower headpiece on the side. I never did look good with high and tight updos. When my mom saw my hair after it was done, she started crying. I had to yell at her to stop, otherwise, I would have started crying as well.
After getting all beautified, we went back to my house to grab all the dresses and accessories before heading off to the Riverside Inn. When my mom, bridesmaid, and I got into our changing room, the excitement started to kick in. I helped my mom and the girls get ready, trying to pass the time. We arrived at the Inn an hour before the ceremony was suppose to start. I tried to keep busy so I wouldn't think much. Once I started thinking, all the emotions would kick in. I watched from the window as people were getting seated for the ceremony. Then, I spied Randy in his blue mess dress. He looked so handsome. At that point, the whole experience seemed surreal. My mom and my bridesmaids helped me with my dress and veil.
Then, the moment came...
Up to this point, I have been very good at keeping my emotions in check. My mother on the other hand seemed to start crying at the littlest things during the whole week. I would yell at her so I wouldn't start crying myself.
When I met my dad on the porch before we started walking down to the ceremony, I lost it. I cried from that point all the way down the aisle. After the bridesmaids made their way down the aisle, now it was my dad and my turn.
We stood at the end of the aisle for about 30 seconds. I took it all in. I was not used to everyone looking at me, and it made me slightly uncomfortable. Really, I was really embarrassed because I was bailing my eyes out. I cried even harder when I saw Randy. He was wiping his eyes from crying as well. That made me feel a little better. I wasn't the only cry baby! As I walked down the aisle, I tried to calm down and smile because I knew the photographer was taking pictures.
Once I was at the end of the aisle, I was calmed down mostly. During the ceremony, I tried so hard to pay attention to the pastor and try to remember what he said, but honestly, it was mostly a blur. I remember Randy was holding my hand so tight that his ring was digging into my hand. Even Randy's vows were kind of a blur. The whole time I was so surprised that he wrote them down. He kept on saying that he was going to do his vows on the spot. He worked on them that day and the day before. I remember I was so impressed by what he said, but I really couldn't tell you what he said. It was times like those that I wish we got a videographer. When it came time for me to say my vows, I had a hard time starting them because I started crying again, this time uncontrollably and I couldn't stop. I think it took me a minute or two to calm down to say what I planned without breaking down in the middle of it.
During the ceremony, we did a sand ceremony instead of the unity candle. Randy had the dark blue sand and I had the light blue sand. One thing I did remember the pastor saying was that when we joined the two colored sand together, the two kinds of sand could no longer be completely separated from each other just like how our lives are now joined forever. No matter what happens we are always have a little bit of each other with us. I'm not quite sure why that part stood out. Thinking now, it reassured me that no matter if we were together or thousands of miles away, we have a piece of each other with us. That gives me some peace for when we are separated by many miles...like now.
The pastor had to cut the ceremony a little short because it started to rain. We felt a few drops during the ceremony. Thank goodness the pastor did that, because once everyone was on the porch, it started to pour!
Finally, it was time for Randy to kiss his bride, and he dipped me as he kissed me. It was so romantic! I couldn't ask for anything better.
I've been smiling the whole time I've been trying to recall what had happened.
Looking back, I still can't believe that whole day happened. I'm back in the city with no husband beside me and Randy is back in Germany. Sometimes, the whole thing feels like a dream.
I'm stopping here for now. The next entry will cover the reception, which seems more of a blur than the ceremony. Hopefully, I'll remember.

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