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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Delay of Onset, Lesson #1 Expect Long Times of Separation

I am in the ultimate long distance relationship. Randy and I have been together for about 2.5 years. During that time, we have seen each other a total of 9 months. That is only 30%. We see each other about every six months or so. So when my friends say that they are going to miss their boyfriend or girlfriend while they are gone for a week, I just roll my eyes, and say "Try six months, then get back to me."
I don't mean to be rude, but with what I have been through, one week is nothing.
You see, Randy serving in the US Air Force in Germany while I am stuck in the states finishing my college degree.
So, you might say, if you are complaining, why are you in this relationship anyways?
Please do not mistake me for complaining. I am doing no such thing. My intentions is that you will merely understand the degree of separation. Yet, this separation is only physical. Even though, Randy is tens of thousands of miles away, yet (as cheesy as it sounds) he is in my heart.
He is so far away, but I know that I have someone who loves me for all of me (faults and all, which is hard to find).
I am looking forward to the day when I can join Randy at his new base.  I always wanted to travel.  What better way to experience that than in the military?
What am I most looking forward to (other than waking up and seeing my hubby next to me) getting out of my comfort zone, getting involved, volunteering, and finding what I want to do in my life.
This is a beginning of many more posts!
Stay tuned!


  1. i love your blog emma! it's beautiful! i cant wait to keep up with it!!! :)
