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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lesson #3 The feeling never goes away.

After 2.5 years, you would think I would know how to deal with him being tens of thousands of miles away. Nope.
This is both a good and bad thing.  It is a good thing because it lets me know that we haven't grown apart, and that I still love and need him.
It's a bad thing, too.  When he is gone I'm on an emotional roller coaster.  During the day I'm so focused on school and hanging out with friends that I try to push Randy to the back of my mind.  That never works. He is always in the forefront of my mind, still after 2.5 years!  When I'm walking to class, in class, and with friends I wonder what is he doing this exact moment and if he is thinking about me, too.  The nights are the worst.  It is time that I stop and realize he isn't around, and that I don't have his strong arms to sleep in.  For once, I would love to have a day when I'm not missing him, when my heart isn't broken, and when I have peace.  That is only achievable when he is here.  I'm going to have to wait 4 more months for that.
Maybe this roller coaster is a good thing after all.  good and bad.

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